Workshops box

Support session: Finding macroeconomic and sector & industry data

Support session: Finding macroeconomic and sector & industry data

This support session is intended for students Economics and Business Administration who need macroeconomic, survey and/or industry or consumer statistics for their BA or MA thesis.

Related LibGuide: Library Guide Business Administration & Economics by Norma Fötsch

Thursday, February 27, 2025
12:20pm - 1:20pm
Nijmegen School of Management
  Nijmegen School of Management  

Registration is required. There are 23 seats available.

Finding the right macroeconomic variables for your research can be quite an effort. There is just so much data available online, both open access or behind a paywall. This support session gives a comprehensive overview of the most important databases supported by the university (both licensed and open data) and their possibilities and limitations.

The workshop consists of the following elements:

  • a 'what, where and how' with regard to some basic macroeconomic variables in databases supported by this university;
  • an introduction to finding macroeconomic variables in the LSEG Workspace;
  • a short introduction on the WorldDataBank (e.g. World Development Indicators) and related data sources;
  • general search tips for open data.

The workshop will take place on campus. Duration: up to 1 hour. The language spoken will be English.


Profile photo of Noah Grim
Noah Grim

Information Specialist Research Data | Nijmegen School of Management | EOS N 01.545

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