Workshops box

During this workshop, you will learn to search in PubMed more effectively. PubMed is a medical database with references to (bio)medical journal articles and a very useful thesaurus.
You will, amongst other things, learn about MeSH-terms, use the search history and get tips & tricks. If you are already an advanced PubMed user and you have specific questions, please e-mail us:
Please bring your own laptop/device!
If you'd like to join us online, choose 'online registration'. You will be send a Teams-link shortly before we start.
If you'd like to join our presentation in person, choose 'in-person registration'
Related LibGuide: PubMed (English) by Elmie Peters
- Date:
- Tuesday, July 2, 2024
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 3:00pm
- Location:
- HG00.218 Library of Science
- Campus:
- Library of Science
- Faculty:
- Library of Science Medical Library UBN - Social Sciences
- Categories:
- Literature search Literature search Other
More information:
(English follows Dutch)
Tijdens deze workshop leer je effectiever zoeken in Pubmed, de database voor medische literatuur. De volgende zaken komen aan bod:
- Gerichter zoeken met MeSH-terms, Major topic, Subheadings
- Zoekstrategie via de bouwsteenmethode en zoekgeschiedenis
- Zoekhulpmiddelen zoals wildcards
Komt deze datum niet uit? Neem contact met ons op voor een individuele afspraak. We helpen je graag.
Library of Science
024 36 52 225
During this workshop, you will learn to search in Pubmed more effectively. Pubmed is a medical database. These subjects will be covered:
- Search more effectively with MeSH-terms, Major topic, Subheadings
- Search strategy via the building block method and use of search history
- Search help like wildcards
Do these hours not suit you? Please contact us for an individual appointment! We are happy to help you.
Library of Science
024 36 52 225
Library of Science, Heyendaalseweg 135
(024) 36 52225
di, wo & vr 8.30-17.00