Workshops box

Tools for Digital Humanities: Transkribus (20-minute demonstration)

Tools for Digital Humanities: Transkribus (20-minute demonstration)

Transkribus is an AI-based tool that allows you to automatically transcribe handwritten text from PDFs and images. It comes with many ready-made 'models' for recognising handwriting in different languages, centuries and styles, but it is also possible to train Transkribus to recognise the specific handwriting you are working with. Transcriptions can easily be exported.

During this short online demonstration, you will discover the functionalities of Transkribus and learn more about the uses, strengths and limitations of this tool. The demonstration will take approximately 20 minutes + 10 minutes for questions.The presentation will be in English, unless the attendees are all native Dutch speakers.

This online demo is the second in a series of five short introductions to digital humanities tools. See the workshop calendar for more details.

1) 27 June: Palladio
2) 21 September: Transkribus
3) 10 October: Gephi
4) 9 November: OpenRefine
5) 28 November: GIS software

Thursday, September 21, 2023
12:30pm - 1:00pm
  Digital Humanities     Other  
Registration has closed.


Profile photo of Levi Damsma
Levi Damsma

  Erasmuslaan 36, kamer 0.12
  aanwezig: ma t/m vr

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