Workshops box

Personal Data in Research

Personal Data in Research

How to handle personal data before, during and after your research?  This question is central to this workshop. In 120 minutes the RDM Support Team will first introduce you to the basics of the GDPR and the various key concepts which are important when you are doing research that involves identifiable personal data.

Next the workshop will guide you along the research cycle, providing pragmatic ways in which you can incorporate good privacy practices during the phases of research planning, data collection, data analysis, publishing and archiving of your research data.

Throughout the workshop extra attention will be paid to the question when you should ask for assistance, and which support is most suitable (RDM support, privacy officers,  ethics committees or ICT).

Thursday, October 12, 2023
2:00pm - 4:00pm
1.05B Central Library Instruction Room
Central Library
  Humanities     Law Library     Library of Science     Nijmegen School of Management     UBN - Social Sciences  
  Research Data Management  
Registration has closed.

Content: During this workshop we will address questions such as:

  • What is the GDPR? When, where and how does it apply to academic research?
  • What exceptions are there for special categories or sensitive personal data?
  • How does personal data affect your storage and security practices?
  • How to correctly handle personal data during each phase of your research?
  • What are the privacy rights of your participants?
  • How does personal data affect your possibilities to archive, share and publish data?

Learning goals: After completion of the workshop participants will:

  • Have basic understanding of the GDPR (in Dutch: AVG).
  • Be aware of the role of personal data in each phase of your research cycle.
  • Know when to reach out for assistance, and who to contact.

Topics: GDPR, personal data, privacy by design, good practices.

Format: Lecture with occasional group discussion.

Prerequisite knowledge: none required.

For whom: Researchers at any stage of their research, who are either working with or planning to work with identifiable personal data.

Duration: 1 session of 120 minutes, with a coffee break. Coffee and tea will be provided for the participants.

Contact information: or 0243612863


Profile photo of Henry van der Burgt
Henry van der Burgt
Profile photo of Stijn de Laat
Stijn de Laat

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