Workshops box

Academic databases - searching for literature

Academic databases - searching for literature

The NSM Library Team helps you to search efficiently for literature in Web of Science, RUQuest and EBSCO databases like Business Source Complete, EconLit or Greenfile.

Web of Science is a multidisciplinary database; RUQuest is the search engine for the collection of the University Library; Business Source Complete and EconLit contain articles covering disciplines like management, economics, finance and accounting; GreenFILE is a resource for articles on the human impact on the environment.

Get to know more on these databases and useful tips & tricks during the training. If you have special issues/questions you'd like to address during the meeting, please let us know in advance (

This workshop will be held on campus.

The training will be held in Dutch if only Dutch speaking people are attending.

Related LibGuide: Literature search by Norma Fötsch

Monday, February 26, 2024
12:20pm - 1:20pm
EOS 01.570 Elinor Ostrom Building (NSM)
Nijmegen School of Management
  Nijmegen School of Management  
  Literature search     Other  
Registration has closed.


Profile photo of Noah Grim
Noah Grim

Information Specialist Research Data | Nijmegen School of Management | EOS N 01.545

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