Workshops box

ATLAS.ti 23 for Windows - Basic workshop English
This is an introduction workshop to ATLAS.ti version 23 for Windows. ATLAS.ti is a software tool for qualitative data analysis.
1) Install ATLAS.ti on your device. Find information about this here. If you have problems with the installation contact
2) Download a sample project of ATLAS.ti 'Sustainability (Stage III)', see
During the workshop:
In this workshop you will learn:
- The basic functions of ATLAS.ti software version 23
- To upload and organise your documents navigation and how to use these documents
- Code and quotation managers segmentation and coding
- How to create basic output by creating reports
- Other functions such as comments, memos and networks
- Date:
- Monday, April 8, 2024
- Time:
- 9:30am - 11:00am
- Location:
- 1.05B Central Library Instruction Room
- Faculty:
- Humanities Law Library Library of Science Medical Library Nijmegen School of Management UBN - Social Sciences
- Categories:
- Other
Law Library, Montessorilaan 10 Nijmegen
Every day available
Library of Science, Heyendaalseweg 135
(024) 36 52225
di, wo & vr 8.30-17.00