Workshops box

Financials & Equities in LSEG Workspace/Datastream and Compustat: the basics

Financials & Equities in LSEG Workspace/Datastream and Compustat: the basics

This support session is intended for students Economics and Business Administration who consider performing an emperical study with company specific, stock market, investment or fixed income data for their BA or MA thesis.

Related LibGuide: Library Guide Business Administration & Economics by Norma Fötsch

Monday, March 4, 2024
12:20pm - 1:20pm
Nijmegen School of Management
  Nijmegen School of Management  
Registration has closed.

LSEG Workspace (formerly Eikon/Refinitiv) / Datastream is the flagship among the economic databases of this university. A wide range of variables is available on e.g. equity, stock & money markets, accounting data, options, futures, bonds and much more.

The databases Compustat Global & North America provide company financials for listed firms worldwide. A WRDS account is necessary in order to use these databases and can be requested here: Students choose a 'Masters' account. See for more information the Library Guide Business & Economics (

In this support session you will be introduced to some of the most important basic elements in the process of retrieving data from LSEG Workspace and Compustat. We will focus on financials and index data, but the process is the same for many other data types as well.

  • understand which data types can be found where in LSEG Workspace and Compustat;
  • retrieve financial company data in Excel;
  • work with more more advanced requests to find the historical constituents of an index (e.g. the AEX);
  • and retrieve historical stock prices and index returns (LSEG Workspace).

The workshop will take place on campus in the Elinor Ostrom building. The exact location will be communicated shortly before the workshop. Duration: up to 1 hour. Language spoken: English.


Profile photo of Maarten Gubbels
Maarten Gubbels
  +31243615950 / +31612352227

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