Workshops box

15 min. coffee lecture: your paper automatically open Access - opt out ("You Share, We Take Care!")
In this 15 minute presentation, we'll tell you about the project "You share, we take care!" in which you share your paper open access after 6 months, regardless of where you published it. This is now arranged automatically. If you do not agree, you can opt out. Learn more during this coffee lecture!
This is a hybrid presentation:
You can choose to join in-person or via teams.
You can choose to join in-person or via teams.
Related LibGuide: Publish Open Access for free or with a discount by OpenAccess UB
- Date:
- Tuesday, June 4, 2024
- Time:
- 1:00pm - 1:15pm
- Location:
- HG00.218 Library of Science
- Campus:
- Library of Science
- Faculty:
- All faculties Humanities Law Library Library of Science Medical Library Nijmegen School of Management UBN - Social Sciences
- Categories:
- Open Science Referencing
Registration has closed.
More information
Every two weeks we host a coffee lecture on a different subject. All you have to do is sit down, sip your coffee* and absorb the information. Sign up in our Library Calender.
*or tea!
7-mei | ResearcherID/ORCID |
21-mei | tbd |
4-jun | Opt-out "You share, we take care" |
18-jun | CC-licenses |
2-jul | Predatory publishers |
16-jul | Holidays |
Library of Science