Workshops box

All your publications in 1 place: ResearcherID & ORCID - 15 min. coffee lecture, help & info

All your publications in 1 place: ResearcherID & ORCID - 15 min. coffee lecture, help & info

Need help or information on creating your ResearcherID or ORCID? Join this meeting where staff will be on hand to give you information and help in person.

You can create a ResearcherID in Web of Science. That way you can link all your publications to your preferred author name. You not only link your publications from Web of Science, but also your publications from other databases, such as grey literature, book(chapters) and reports. This makes your publications easier and faster to find in Web of Science. Not only for yourself, but also for others. The number of citations and your H-index are also immediately visible. If you work on your ResearcherID once, it is easy to keep it up to date.

With an ORCID you can also be found outside Web of Science with all your publications. You can easily synchronize your ResearcherID with your ORCID. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024
1:00pm - 1:15pm
HG00.218 Library of Science
Library of Science
  Humanities     Law Library     Library of Science     Medical Library     Nijmegen School of Management     UBN - Social Sciences  
  Literature search     Other     Referencing  

Registration is required. There are 9 seats available.

More information

Every two weeks we host a coffee lecture on a different subject. All you have to do is sit down, sip your coffee* and absorb the information. Sign up in our Library Calender.

*or tea! 

10-sep Search tips for academic databases
24-sep Copyright in Education
8 oct Open Access
22 oct Web of Science search tips
5-nov ResearcherID/ORCID
19-nov Open Educational Resources 
3-dec CC-licenses
17-dec RUQuest search tips


Profile photo of René Exterkate
René Exterkate

Questions about this event? Please contact us!


Library of Science

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