Workshops box

Support session: Getting started with Orbis

Support session: Getting started with Orbis

This support session is intended for students Economics and Business Administration who consider performing an empirical study with (non-listed) company specific and/or corporate ownership data for their BA or MA thesis.

Related LibGuide: Library Guide Business Administration & Economics by Norma Fötsch

Tuesday, March 4, 2025
12:20pm - 1:20pm
  Nijmegen School of Management  

Registration is required. There are 30 seats available.

Orbis is the only database available at this university that contains aggergated financial data on both listed and non listed companies worldwide. Moreover, Orbis enables you to analyse the corporate structure of firms and retrieve data in the field of corporate ownership. Orbis' 'little sisters', Orbis IP and Bank Focus, provide resp. patent and innovation data and bank data.

This support session will focus on building a (basic) search query in Orbis in order to create a dataset of companies and assigning the applicable variables.

We start with a brief outline of the possibilities and limitations of this database. Afterwards we deal with these elements:

  • selecting and adjusting criteria for your search query;
  • customizing the variables in the list view for the dataset of companies you created;
  • exporting your data;
  • retrieving innovation and patent-data;
  • generating company reports, including the corporate structure;
  • searching on ownership criteria.

The workshop will take place on campus. Duration: up to 1 hour. Language spoken: English.


Profile photo of Noah Grim
Noah Grim

Information Specialist Research Data | Nijmegen School of Management | EOS N 01.545

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