Workshops box

Support session: Finding macroeconomic and sector & industry data
This support session is intended for students Economics and Business Administration who need macroeconomic, survey and/or industry or consumer statistics for their BA or MA thesis.
Related LibGuide: Library Guide Business Administration & Economics by Norma Fötsch
- Date:
- Thursday, February 27, 2025
- Time:
- 12:20pm - 1:20pm
- Location:
- EOS 01.350 Elinor Ostrom Building (NSM)
- Campus:
- Nijmegen School of Management
- Faculty:
- Nijmegen School of Management
- Categories:
- Other
Finding the right macroeconomic variables for your research can be quite an effort. There is just so much data available online, both open access or behind a paywall. This support session gives a comprehensive overview of the most important databases supported by the university (both licensed and open data) and their possibilities and limitations.
The workshop consists of the following elements:
- a 'what, where and how' with regard to some basic macroeconomic variables in databases supported by this university;
- an introduction to finding macroeconomic variables in the LSEG Workspace;
- a short introduction on the WorldDataBank (e.g. World Development Indicators) and related data sources;
- general search tips for open data.
The workshop will take place on campus. Duration: up to 1 hour. The language spoken will be English.