Workshops box

Working with BoardEx (NSM)

Working with BoardEx (NSM)

This workshop is intended for students Economics and Business Administration who intend to work with BoardEx for their BA or MA thesis. BoardEx is available through WRDS (create an account via the link on the libguide Business Administration & Economics).

Participants are strongly advised to send information about their research topic, e.g. the desired dataset, variables and timeframe, to at least 24 hours before the workshop

If you have other topics you would like to address or have further questions do not hesitate to communicate this beforehand!

Location & duration

The workshop will take place on campus in EOS.01.570. (Elinor Ostrom Building)

Duration: 2 hours.

There is room for 4 attendants per workshop.

Related LibGuide: Library Guide Business Administration & Economics by Norma Fötsch

Monday, May 26, 2025
2:00pm - 4:00pm
EOS 01.570 Elinor Ostrom Building (NSM)
Nijmegen School of Management
  Nijmegen School of Management  

Registration is required. There are 4 seats available.

A basic how-to-get-started workflow for BoardEx was presented during the support sessions. Check the slides ('Board and CSR-ESG data - support session') here:

During this workshop you can work with the BoardEx files for your own topic. A data librarian from the NSM Library Team will be present to assist you.

The needs of the participants determine what is treated in the workshop, such as

- creating a sample in BoardEx or working with a sample created in another database (Orbis/Eikon/Compustat);

- working with identifiers like the ISIN-code, company ID and Board ID;

- combining data from different BoardEx datasets;

- creating your own variables from the BoardEx data in Excel;

- combining BoardEx data with data (e.g. financials, ratio's, stock returns) from other databases like Orbis, Compustat or Refinitiv Workspace/Datastream.


Profile photo of Noah Grim
Noah Grim

Information Specialist Research Data | Nijmegen School of Management | EOS N 01.545

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