Workshops box

Publishing open access
Join our presentation on the possibilities and latest developments for financing open access publications, as well as pitfalls like questionable publishers and other things to consider before publishing. Over the past few years, these have grown in number and it can be a pickle to find your way through the open access forest. We will show you the way and answer your questions.
This presentation will be hosted by Esther Tijchon, member of the open access library team and faculty liaison at the Faculty of Science and radboudumc.
Related LibGuide: Publish Open Access for free or with a discount by OpenAccess UB
- Date:
- Monday, March 24, 2025
- Time:
- 12:30pm - 1:00pm
- Location:
- HG00.218 Library of Science
- Campus:
- Library of Science
- Faculty:
- Humanities Law Library Library of Science Medical Library Nijmegen School of Management UBN - Social Sciences
- Categories:
- Open Science
Library of Science